Marc Schechter - Square Pie Guys

Marc Schechter - Square Pie Guys

Marc Schechter is the owner and founder of Square Pie Guys, a Detroit-style pizzeria in San Francisco. After a career in tech sales, Marc traded the hustle and grind of cold calling and quota-meeting for the less secure but more soul-satisfying hustle and grind of making and selling pizza for a living.

A self-taught pizza aficionado, Marc is not your typical chef. He grew up on Long Island, New York, attended college in Miami and graduated with a job in sales and a plan to work his way up the corporate ladder. But when he started making pizza in his apartment kitchen in Berkeley, California, his life took a vastly different turn. Marc fell in love quickly and began apprenticing in several Bay Area pizzerias. Eventually, he started a Detroit-style square pie pizza pop-up in a San Francisco wine bar. Five years and 100K Instagram followers later, Square Pie Guys is the leading Detroit-style pizzeria in the Bay Area with three dine-in locations plus an additional fourteen locations offering delivery and pick-up). In addition to running the restaurants, Marc manages the @Pizza account on Instagram (1.1 million followers), and creates video content for Gozney, a pizza oven brand. He lives in Oakland, CA with his wife Tess and Cat Reuben. 

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